
Sustainable agriculture – The best way to feed the world

Seychelles Nation, 22 Sept 2017; Fenella Plows:   Organic coriander growing at Nature Seychelles’ Heritage Garden “Nature Seychelles initiated its Heritage Garden programme 15 years ago to engage people into a new partnership with the soil. This included propagation of ‘heritage crops’ and medicinal plants and new concepts like edible landscaping, vertical gardens, climate-smart agriculture and… Continue reading Sustainable agriculture – The best way to feed the world

Heritage Garden · Uncategorized

Gardening Therapy at Nature Seychelles

 Banana Harvest from Nature Seychelles demonstration organic garden Seychelles NATION; June 9 2017: Horticulture is the growing of flowers, fruits, vegetables and plants and according to the American Horticultural Therapy Association (AHTA), the process of using plants and garden environments has been found to be therapeutic and to promote mental, physical and social health.


What is movement all about

Some of you have been wondering what our movement sessions are all about. When I say movement I am not just referring to one way of moving but many. It is a way to get strong, mobile, flexible, agile and so forth. For the next few weeks we will be working on Strength (Monday and Wednesday)… Continue reading What is movement all about

healthy eating · Uncategorized

Coconut oil for weight loss?

When it comes to weight loss, some research has shown that coconut oil can be effective for weight loss. A study published in the March 2008 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that coconut oil was more effective at promoting weight loss than olive oil. The small study followed 49 overweight men… Continue reading Coconut oil for weight loss?

Green Health · Uncategorized

Seychelles is the top African Country to meet Sustainable Development Goals

A year after the Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs – were launched, Seychelles has been ranked as the top performing African country in meeting various health related targets of the SDGs. Seychelles is number one in Africa and number 40 in the world with a total score of 71. Of African countries, Mauritius comes next… Continue reading Seychelles is the top African Country to meet Sustainable Development Goals

Heritage Garden · Uncategorized

Veggie windbreakers

The green fingers never stop moving at Nature Seychelles Heritage (organic) Garden. Seeds getting planted, produce being sown, soil turning, pruning, pest control and recently, creating  ‘windbreakers’ for  our vegetable beds.

green yoga · Uncategorized

Additional Green Yoga Session

We are now offering an additional Green Yoga session on Wednesday morning at The Sanctuary in Roche Caiman. From the feedback received from our Green Health members, we will offer a one hour session on Wednesdays at 9.00am. The afternoon sessions will remain as they are with one hour sessions on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5.00pm. 

Food Security · Uncategorized

Why the African food basket should be full of beans and other pulses

The Conversation, 5th July 2016; by Nokuthula Vilakati – Postdoctoral research at the Institute for Food, Nutrition and Well-being, University of Pretoria 2016 is the International Year of the Pulse following a UN General Assembly resolution in December 2013. Pulses are an essential part of our diets and a great source of amino acids and protein; these include  dried beans, chickpeas… Continue reading Why the African food basket should be full of beans and other pulses

healthy eating · Uncategorized

People who eat fast food may be exposed to harmful chemicals

In a recent study by researchers at Milken Institute School of Public Health (Milken Institute SPH) at the George Washington University, findings indicate that people who consume fast food could potentially be exposed to harmful chemicals known as phthalates.


Organic pick-me-up

Its Thursday afternoon and it feels like I’m dragging my mind and body much like a dead horse towards Friday. Its pretty much the same feeling every Thursday afternoon after an intense week of work. The weekend and the thought of chilling out on the beach with a book doesn’t seem to get here fast enough.