Organic farming

Volunteer in our Organic Garden

Do you have a background in farming, horticulture or landscaping and want to spend a couple of months in paradise while making use of your knowledge and skills? We are looking for one or two volunteers to work in our Heritage (organic) Garden, located in Roche Caiman, on Mahe Island in the Seychelles. We need… Continue reading Volunteer in our Organic Garden

Green Health

Yogalates at The Sanctuary

Come join us for our new Green Exercises at The Sanctuary in Roche Caiman starting this Wednesday at 5.00 to 6.00 pm. Depending on interest, we will offer Tuesday and Thursday morning sessions from 7.30 to 8.30 am. Maya will be offering Yogalates classes which is a very nice mixture of yoga stretches and poses… Continue reading Yogalates at The Sanctuary


Sustainable agriculture – The best way to feed the world

Seychelles Nation, 22 Sept 2017; Fenella Plows:   Organic coriander growing at Nature Seychelles’ Heritage Garden “Nature Seychelles initiated its Heritage Garden programme 15 years ago to engage people into a new partnership with the soil. This included propagation of ‘heritage crops’ and medicinal plants and new concepts like edible landscaping, vertical gardens, climate-smart agriculture and… Continue reading Sustainable agriculture – The best way to feed the world

Heritage Garden

Like manna from heaven

Yesterday morning one of our staff members working in our Heritage (organic) Garden rapped very loudly on my window. As I drew the curtain back I was greeted with a toothy grin. “I have papaya!” Paul announced. He explained that the birds were already starting to ‘attack’ it but he rescued it in time. All… Continue reading Like manna from heaven

Heritage Garden · Uncategorized

Gardening Therapy at Nature Seychelles

 Banana Harvest from Nature Seychelles demonstration organic garden Seychelles NATION; June 9 2017: Horticulture is the growing of flowers, fruits, vegetables and plants and according to the American Horticultural Therapy Association (AHTA), the process of using plants and garden environments has been found to be therapeutic and to promote mental, physical and social health.


Why physical education is important in schools.

More and more I see less emphasis on physical education in schools and I ask myself, why has the accumulation of letters and GPAs become more important than taking care of our own body? Is it such a burden and hassle to simply maintain basic health? Research has shown that physical fitness not only increases… Continue reading Why physical education is important in schools.


What is movement all about

Some of you have been wondering what our movement sessions are all about. When I say movement I am not just referring to one way of moving but many. It is a way to get strong, mobile, flexible, agile and so forth. For the next few weeks we will be working on Strength (Monday and Wednesday)… Continue reading What is movement all about

green exercise

Move…and free your body and mind

“Movement” a general word and to the people not privy to its meaning or what it encompasses can be confusing. Let me start out by saying that movement can be fitness but within the current mainstream paradigm fitness is nowhere near movement. The mainstream fitness industry has a lot of misinformation and deception behind it… Continue reading Move…and free your body and mind

Green Health

New movements in our Green Health Program

Come and join us for our new Green Yoga and Fitness sessions starting Monday 20th February at the Yoga Kiosk, located at The Sanctuary in Roche Caiman. 

Medicinal plants

Forget what you’ve heard: Turmeric seems to have zero medicinal properties

January 12, 2017; Quartz India;  Akshat Rathi: Turmeric has done the full circle: from ancient remedy to hipster Western drink. Even today, Indians readily apply it on fresh wounds, chicken-pox scabs, and insect bites. Medical professionals prescribe it for urological diseases, worm infections, and even cancer. Such has been the hype that the yellow-golden spice is… Continue reading Forget what you’ve heard: Turmeric seems to have zero medicinal properties