green exercise · In the News · Science and your health

The Globe and Mail: Why exercising outdoors is better than hitting the gym

  The Globe and Mail: Wendy Pauls, 41, is at her happiest when she is running, mountain biking or paddling in the great outdoors. Her favourite places to exercise are through rolling countryside or on a wooded trail. “Fitness and fresh air go very well together!” says this life coach and personal trainer, who lives… Continue reading The Globe and Mail: Why exercising outdoors is better than hitting the gym

green exercise

Move…and free your body and mind

“Movement” a general word and to the people not privy to its meaning or what it encompasses can be confusing. Let me start out by saying that movement can be fitness but within the current mainstream paradigm fitness is nowhere near movement. The mainstream fitness industry has a lot of misinformation and deception behind it… Continue reading Move…and free your body and mind

green exercise

Help, which class is best for me?

Holá Green Healthies! I hope you had a great start of the week. In the last few days, some questions came up from some of you concerning the different types of classes so I’ll take a minute to explain in detail how the classes work and give you a super easy guide on how to… Continue reading Help, which class is best for me?