Green Health Challenge

Day 30 August Green Health Challenge

Day 30 #AugustGreenHealthChallenge Listen to natureSit quietly and let the sounds around you come to you. Same as day 16 but at the end of the practice open your eyes and let the view come to you, again without conceptualising, without labelling

Green Health Challenge

Day 29 August Green Health Challenge

Day 29 #AugustGreenHealthChallenge Chill out in nature ‘Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair’ Khalil Gibran


Habit Forming

Lets be honest, for most of us it’s not hard to do a few stretches here and there throughout our day. A nice shoulder stretch or neck release, leading to a nice relaxing sigh as we shrug and stretch off some of the day that may be still held clenched in our upper backs and… Continue reading Habit Forming